Danny Bibi, President and CEO of AdMedia, Highlights Some Feedback His Company Has Received About Contextual Targeting Advertising
The performance-based advertising network company wishes to showcase some genuine reactions from its client companies to its newest and, to date, most effective advertising solution.
LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / September 15, 2021 / Recently, performance-based advertising network company AdMedia debuted contextual targeting advertising, an efficient, custom-tailored advertising solution enabling companies to better reach likely buyers with precise and relevant messages across multiple platforms. The debut was an unmitigated success, and the response to contextual targeting advertising has been overwhelmingly positive, with on-the-record praise coming in from all manner of its client companies operating in many varied sectors of the economy. Danny Bibi, founder, president, and CEO of AdMedia wishes to highlight some of that feedback.
- “Like many online businesses, we invested in Google Adwords but didn’t receive the level of local traffic we were looking for. AdMedia was able to target the audience we were looking for, increasing our ROI by 10%.” — SEM Director, Zillow.com
- “We just weren’t seeing the traffic we needed, and then someone suggested AdMedia. We gave them a shot and haven’t looked back since. Thanks for the quality traffic, AdMedia!” — VP of Traffic Development, ZabaSearch.com
- “We have a theory that it never hurts to expand your ad network, and AdMedia is proof of that. We’ve received quality leads, seen an improvement in our ROI, and been pleased with our revenue stream. Thanks for proving me right.” — VP of Online Marketing, Equifax.com
- “We have very high traffic goals, and AdMedia has helped us consistently reached those goals. Their platform has been the most cost-effective while maintaining a high ROI.” -Director of Marketing, Bebo.com
Both Danny Bibi and AdMedia would like to extend their genuine gratitude to the companies and executives who took the time to compose these glowing testimonials.
As a digital, algorithm-based process, contextual targeting advertising will continue to be honed and refined as time passes, leading companies who adopt it as an advertising solution-and a more effective and accessible alternative to Google Adsense-to earn more quality traffic, boost consumer conversion rates, and, ultimately, bolster their bottom lines.
About AdMedia: AdMedia is a performance-based advertising network company that helps clients to scale their business and their voice online. AdMedia owns and operates about 150 websites within their network. The California-based company has also created more than 40 different web traffic products, including About Danny Bibi: Danny Bibi is the founder, president, and CEO of AdMedia. A long-time entrepreneur, Danny started his first company, an internet domain aggregator called Global Net 2000 Domain Holdings, with a partner in 1993. Here, he managed a team of 12 designers and developed an algorithm for domain registration and monetization. Danny attended UCLA from 1994–1996, completing a certificate program in general business studies with a concentration in real estate. He enrolled in California State University-Northridge from 1996–2000, where he studied business law and management, information systems, and international business, ultimately earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration. While still attending classes at California State, Danny Bibi founded AdMedia in 1998. Contact Information: contextual.com, a product that makes text ads that compete with Google Adsense, and intextual.com, a product that connects advertisers directly with consumers and studies consumer responses. It also constructs mobile advertising products that show ads based on each user’s location. AdMedia specializes in creating effective, wide-reaching advertising campaigns without being dependent on Facebook or Google Ads. The company uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide the best possible returns on the advertisement to their clients.
Those wishing to learn more about AdMedia and its new breakthroughs in contextual targeting advertising are encouraged to visit the company’s official website. In contrast, those curious to know more about Danny Bibi are encouraged to visit his personal website.
Danny Bibi
Founder and President, AdMedia
6320 Canoga Avenue, Suite 200
Woodland Hills, California 91367
Originally published at https://www.accesswire.com.