Founder and President of AdMedia, Danny Bibi, Discusses Success in The Advertisement Industry
As the founder and president of AdMedia, Danny Bibi helps clients grow their customer base and online voice by offering customized online advertisement campaigns. In addition to servicing roughly 150 different sites within their network, AdMedia also has more than 40 different subsidiary traffic products such as and Bosting a wide range of services, including advertisements for mobile, AdMedia can help you achieve excellent ROIs without the use of Facebook or Google. Based in Los Angeles, California, AdMedia uses AI and machine learning to help clients reach their target audience and get more out of their advertisements.
What trends in your industry excite you?
The industry is changing, and so for those folks that don’t have their own architecture, their own inventory, their own technology or their own tech stack, they’re going to be negatively affected. They won’t be able to compete. With our company, we’re able to compete and we are able to do it at scale. The future is really exciting.
What would you tell others looking to get into your industry?
Start by looking at it from the perspective of a niche that interests you. Learn more about it. Do your research and due diligence. Examine it by a company-per-company basis to see what a specific company’s goals and objectives are and if it is something that interests you. Investigate if there is actually a long-term vision behind it in terms of the actual niche.
What is one thing you would change in your industry today if you could?
The notion that conversions and quality inventory are only to be had on the top premium destinations like Yahoo, Google, or Facebook. It’s really not that way. The idea that quality inventory is not available outside the major players is completely false. In fact, most of the time it’s actually the complete opposite. We’re constantly outperforming Google, and we’re outperforming Bing consistently. When a brand gives us the ability to prove ourselves with proof-of-concept tests, they’re going to pull away with the fact that we’re able to outperform Google and Bing- and not by just a small percentage, but roughly 20 to 40 times over. It’s pretty huge. People that say they are just going to stick with the top tier are actually doing a disservice to their company and brand since they are losing their incremental reach and revenue.
If they’re spending $1 million on Google and they’re getting $1 million or $1.2 million back, they could be working with someone like us and generating $3 million or $4 million back for the same investment. It’s hard to believe, but it’s the truth. We have to do a lot of work of to try to convince people to do a test with us, because for many it’s kind of a close-minded type of scenario. Clients often believe that there’s Google and there’s Facebook and that’s pretty much it. They don’t really want to test for anything else. That kind of mindset is the only thing I would change.
How has your industry changed over the last decade?
It has changed by way of transparency and accountability. In the past there wasn’t any transparency or accountability and a lot of the players in the industry have since gone out of business. The industry has gone to more of a transparent model, which is really good for everyone who plays by the rules and is able to provide a quality service. The folks who are not able to play by the rules and don’t provide a quality service are essentially kicked out of business. That’s kind of the way the industry has evolved over time.
If you could change 1 thing you did in the beginning of your career, what would it be?
I would invest more in staff in terms of education and tools, to really provide them with additional value-added education in order for them to learn and grow and ultimately help the company expand.
How do you maintain a work life balance?
Part of our company culture is providing employees with the ability to have a half day. Our goal is to allow the flexibility for the employee to get their work done during the week, then provide them a half-day on a Friday in order for them to be able to start the weekend early, get their personal life tasks done, or having that flexibility to do remote work. There’s definitely a huge focus work/life balance at AdMedia. My personal belief is if you can get 50% work and 50% home life, then you’re in good shape because that’s the best of both worlds. You can increase productivity, feel accomplished, and then you also move things forward for yourself professionally and personally. That’s been our formula and it’s worked really well.
What has been the hardest obstacle you’ve overcome?
Trying to gain access to the right decisionmakers at companies in order to start relationships with them. Since the pandemic hit, it’s been an obstacle because obviously there’s no face-to-face time. Everything is all done virtually. At the same time, we are true believers that at some point everyone’s going to want to connect with us and hear us out. We’re pretty hopeful of that, because we really can sell ourselves in person. We usually meet prospective clients in person at trade shows and have face-to-face time. We’ve also met at clients’ offices. It’s all been one hundred percent face-to-face, and now it’s all virtual. It has completely shifted from what it was previously.
What is one piece of advice that you have never forgotten?
Stay humble.
What does success look like for you (personal or professional)?
Success in business is not only increasing revenue from quarter-over-quarter or year-to-year, but also maintaining client retention and satisfaction with our results at all times. The most successful aspect of this would be if a client were going through some internal corporate growing pains or issues with sales, and we would be able to help them achieve their goals, which in turn helps us achieve ours. A perfect example would be the situation Johnson & Johnson is in with their vaccine that they just released. There have been some problems with that rollout, and so they’re having some financial issues and stock drops, so they need to rebound from that type of situation. In order to do that they would turn to companies like ours to help make up revenue through sales on other products, and thus reduce the damage from the hit that they took.
Originally published at on May 7, 2021.